Exploring the Immaculate Heart of Mary: August’s Library Display
This August, our library is excited to showcase a special display dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, a powerful symbol of devotion and faith. Each month, we will focus on a different theme, curating a collection of resources that highlight its significance. This month, we turn our attention to Mary’s profound interior life, marked by both joy and sorrow, yet always steadfast in her faith.
On August 15th, we celebrated the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, when she was taken up into heaven in both body and soul. To honor this feast day, our display includes a diverse selection of books, art books, encyclicals, and several theses and professional papers from our alumni. These resources reflect the depth of Mary’s devotion and her role as a model of holiness.
Mary’s feast reminds us that we are created for the glory of God, and we must respect the dignity of every human life.
Featured Resources:
- Alberione, Rev. James. Mary Hope of the World. Indianapolis: St. Paul edition 1962.
- Allegra, Gabriel. Mary’s Immaculate Way to God. Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1985.
- Eudes, Saint John. The Admirable Heart of Mary. New York: P.J. Kenedy & Sons, 1948.
- Fox, Rev. Robert J. Immaculate Heart of Mary True Devotion. Indianapolis: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, 1986.
- Heinrich, Sister Grace Marie. “Queen of Heaven and Earth: Scriptural Foundation of the Queenship of Mary.” M.A. Thesis, Holy Apostles College & Seminary, 2015.
- The Immaculate Conception in the Life of the Church: Essays from the International Mariological Symposium in Honor of the 150th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception, ed, Calloway, Donald H. Stockbridge, MA: Marian Press 2004
- Life of the Madonna in Art, 1985 Boston: Daughters of St. Paul.
- Magnificat 5, no. 6 (August 2024).
- Mater Misericordiae An Annual Journal of Mariology 4 (2019).
- The Marian Movement of Priests, To the Priests Our Lady’s Beloved Sons 12th edition. St. Francis, ME: Marian Movement of Priests, 1989.
- Mongelos, Amanada Cristina. “Mary’s Spiritual Motherhood in the Church.” M.A. Thesis, Holy Apostles College & Seminary, 2018.
- Murphy, John F. Mary’s Immaculate Heart. Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing Co., 1951
- Nguyez, Sister Thuan, “The Blessed Virgin Mary: Model of Consecration in the Consecrated Life.” M.A. Professional Paper, Holy Apostles College & Seminary, 2021.
- Ngyen, Sister Thuy, “Mary as Mother.” M.A. Thesis, Holy Apostles College &Seminary, 2016
- Pope Pius IX, Apostolic Constitution on Defining the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception, issued December 8, 1854. Boston, MA: Saint Paul’s Books & Media.
- Pope John Paul II, Encyclical Letter, Mother of the Redeemer on the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Life of the Pilgrim Church, March 25, 1987.
- Pope John Paul II, Holy Thursday Letter to Priests, Holy Thursday 1988. Boston: Saint Paul’s Books & Media.
- Swirzon, Peter, J. “Mary Mediatrix of Sacramental Grace.” M.A. Thesis, Holy Apostles College & Seminary, 2016.
- The Virgin Mary and the Theology of the Body, ed. Calloway, Donald H. Stockbridge, MA: Marian Press 2005Vu, Sister Thom. “Mary as a Model of Obedience.” M.A. Thesis, Holy Apostles College & Seminary, 2016
- Wheeler, Marion M. Mary Images of the Virgin in Art. New York: BCL Press/Book Creation LLC.
We invite you to visit the Library and explore these materials. Join us in celebrating the virtues exemplified by the Immaculate Heart of Mary and reflecting on the glory of God that each of us is called to embrace.