Dec 5, 2024 | News
“For just as the body is one and has many members, so it is with Christ…. Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers; then deeds of power, then gifts of healing, forms of assistance, forms of leadership, various kinds of tongues.” 1 Corinthians 12:12, 27-28.
Fr. Eusebe Menard, OFM, founder of the Society of the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles and founder of the seminary that bears its name, gave equal status to Mr. Hector Durand as the “co-founder” of the Society. Why was that? Mr. Durand was a faithful Catholic who happened to be a successful Contractor in Montreal Canada — and he contributed half his fortune to the building of seminaries. Together Fr. Menard and Mr. Durand modeled the crucial MSA charism of “partnership” between laity and the ministerial priesthood. In testimony of this, on the back of the official MSA chasuble, two hands are featured. The first is the priest’s hand that holds the earth’s globe. The second is the layman’s hand which supports the priest’s hand in ministry. In practical terms, the parts of the body of Christ work together to accomplish the mission of evangelizing and ministering to the world, together. Without Mr. Durand, Fr. Menard could not have done what he did. And thus, the Holy Spirit connected them together in order to do an extraordinary thing.
“St. Michael’s Retreat House,” in Oxnard, CA is an apostolate that I am privileged to serve, and which depends upon the MSA charism of clergy laity partnership. The various retreats and days of reflection offered at St. Michael’s would not be possible except for the generous time and financial assistance of a group called the “Men of Faith.” On every other Tuesday evening about 12-15 men offer prayers, a potluck, and a program. The men of faith have enthusiastically embraced St. Michael’s House as their “apostolate of service,” and they fund a parttime secretary to help their “tech-challenged” Director (yours truly) to administer the place.
Word of this reached the ears of Bishop Slawomir Szkredka, auxiliary for the Santa Barbara Pastoral Region who took the place of Bishop Robert Barron, who got St. Michael’s House off the ground and gave it its name.

The “A Team” (Appreciation!) — from left to right — Juan Flores, David Sanchez, Charles Teachout, Michelle Kimble (Tuesday retreats), Lalo Miranda, Bishop Slawomir Szkredka, John Kimble, Vivian Cahill (retreat breakfasts) Kevin Williams, Fr. Skip Thompson, Joe Domitrovich. Missing in action for some good reason: Andy Stay, Torch Rivera, George Baldonado.
Bishop Slawomir came to our humble house to appreciate the Men of Faith at a dinner and presented each, including 2 “women of faith,” who regularly pull in the harness with House Director, Fr. Skip. The bishop signed a dozen certifications and presented them to each person.
It was a rare and very well-received moment for the bishop to take the time and recognize our special laypersons. Our contract to minister St. Michael’s house continues with his support and that of Provincial Animator (and HACS Chancellor) Martin Rooney and Santa Clara Church Pastor John Love. The MSA charism of clergy-lay partnership has brought us far — and the partnership will keep us growing as we minister on crucial issues affecting the faithful.
As we write this article, we are in the 34th week of Ordinary Time. But as I have said on numerous occasions, nothing is ordinary about the times the Church finds herself in now. We are no longer an “age of change,” (though things are changing rapidly). Rather we are in a “changing of the ages,” which requires the Church to reset her compass to follow a missionary course — and find a “few good men” to lead the Church and take her on the “offensive” once again.
Nov 1, 2024 | News
Last month I wrote of my “mini-alumni-reunion” with Fr. Larry Lynn, class of 2015, in Coquitlam, as I made the trip north to Vancouver, B.C. in Canada from my retreat house in Oxnard, CA. There in beautiful British Columbia, Fr. Larry pastors the Catholic parish: Our Lady of Lourdes. Our time was a wonderful fraternal bonding. But there was more. The unexpected fruit of our reunion was an important “alumni collaboration” that brought an urgent message to our faithful immersed in a culture that has forgotten God and contends with the truth.
Here’s the “little blurb” I promised last time. Our collaboration delivered a “Catechesis on the Human Person and Gender Ideology,” — offered at Our Lady of Loudes on Sept. 5, 2024 — with the definitive Truth about who we are as men and women made in the image of God, (See Genesis 1:27). And we clarified the sexual dysphoria and deceits of Gender Ideology, which is one of the symptoms of atheism saturating our post-modern, post-Christian west. Recall the simple observation of Gaudium et Spes, 36, “When the Creator is forgotten, the creature becomes unintelligible.” Unintelligible is an apt description of Gender Ideology.
Before our offering, the chancery of the Archdiocese of Vancouver was consulted and approved our delivery of the conference. It is noteworthy that our brief promotion of this conference nonetheless produced more Catholics in attendance than was anticipated! People are hungry for the truth — and we presented vital Church teachings to counter the current cultural insanity. They want us back. That says is it all. Be not afraid.
Last month, I hosted another “mini-alumni-reunion,” this time at my retreat house in Oxnard, CA with Fr. Andy Cravahlo, Class of 2012 and a member of the “Fathers of Mercy.” Fr. Andy drove from his General House in Bowling Green, Kentucky — via Napa, CA — to Oxnard, (2,800 miles), rolled up, put it in neutral and stayed for awhile. I left the light on for him.

Fr. Andy Cravahlo, right — and Fr Skip. In front of the old Mission San Buenaventura in Ventura, California.
As with Fr. Larry up north, Fr. Andy and I enjoyed a full week of catch-up. Father enjoyed our ministries in the retreat house — and we took an easy and inspiring tour of the local, original Spanish missions, founded by the recently canonized (2015) Saint Junipero Serra, who “founded”
Fr. Andy Cravahlo, right — and Fr Skip. In front of the old Mission San Buenaventura in Ventura, California, 12 miles from the house. California. Indeed, most cities took their name from the original mission.
However, though regarded as our state’s founder, St. Junipero Serra is now a lightning rod of controversy, no thanks to the secular “historical revisionists” who attack the Catholic Church, Christianity in general, all our social institutions and the family. Did I miss any?
As a result, many of St. Junipero’s statues were vandalized and torn down during the summer of 2020 in the U.S. by various Marxist organizations that

Fr. Skip, left, with Fr. Jack Clark Robinson, Fr. Larry Gosselin and Fr. Andy inside the old Mission Santa Barbara in Santa Barbara, CA
Fr. Skip, left, with Fr. Jack Clark Robinson, Fr. Larry Gosselin and Fr. Andy inside the old Mission Santa Barbara in Santa Barbara, CA fomented riots, looting, fires, assaults and even murder under the flag of “social justice.” As Fr. Andy and I spoke over several days, it became clear that he and Fr. Larry and I, shared important things in common: solid formation in the truth of Church teachings and hence true perspectives to “judge, not by appearances, but judge rightly.” (John 7:24).
Our faithful and orthodox formation at Holy Apostles College and Seminary gave us “right thinking” minds, able to critique our culture’s ideological errors and offer people the truth: about God, mankind, the very good news of Christ’s salvation and how we can journey successfully over the troubled waters of our times.
We asked ourselves, “how can we Alumni continue to assist one another,” as priest-classmates in common purpose of ministry to the faithful and to the world at large?
Our thought was to use our Alma Mater, Holy Apostles College and Seminary, as a clearinghouse of information by offering a “digital forum.” By it, HACS alumni can offer stories, ideas, and insights — to “cross-pollinate” each others’ hearts and minds — with the grace gleaned from respective ministries — for the good of all. It seemed a fine idea to our minds, so we offer it to all readers to consider.
What say you all?
Sep 5, 2024 | News
Article by Fr. Jeffrey “Skip” Thompson, MSA
Brothers who’ve responded to the call of the priesthood are a special lot. And seminary classmates have a special bond of friendship that comes from studying together in the same place and time and “burning the midnight oil” on the weightiest subject a mind can focus on: God So, it’s good for Alumni to stay in touch.
Earlier in May, I signed up to chaplain a Holland America cruise ship bound for Alaska from Vancouver, B.C. On board, I delivered daily mass, Sunday Masses for passengers and crew and a Sunday fellowship for our “separated protestant brothers and sisters”.
It turns out my old classmate of the Class of 2015, Fr. Larry Lynn, is now Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes parish in Coquitlam, near Vancouver. I flew up from Los Angeles to spend a week with him before my cruise ministry.
I was present to cover for Fr. Larry one day due to illness. And he invited me to deliver Sunday homilies on John 6 — the Bread of Life discourse — my favorite retreat conference topic! Okay, I’m helping, good stuff.
But before coming I sent Fr. Larry a short treatise by Bishop Michael Burbidge from the Diocese of Arlington, entitled “A Catechesis on the Human Person and Gender Theory.” It is solid information and overdue. Unfortunately, too much “self-censorship” seems to be going on.

Left: Fr. Larry Lynn, Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes, Coquitlam, B.C., Canada. Right: Fr. Skip Thompson, MSA. Director of the Santa Clara Retreat House in Oxnard, CA. Thinking, walking and talking one day on the Pitt River just north of Coquitlam, and east of Vancouver, B.C.,. You never know what might be dreamed up!
Our countries are drowning in a cesspool of ideology to pervert and ruin our future generations. Parents and parishes need critical help, yesterday, to understand the truth of the human person from the perspective of Christian anthropology — to be able to push back against the culture and save their kids. Priests and bishops need to do their jobs — or else! He who has ears to hear, listen to Ezekiel 3 for details!
So, a fine idea emanated from our little “Alumni mini-reunion.” Why not deliver a conference on this hot, controversial topic? Our kids’ survival is at stake. The Chancery approved it. It’s been promoted to the whole Deanery. And even passengers from the cruise ship are coming! The date is September 5, 2024. Look for a future blub on this event.
But, here’s the takeaway: imagine, what would happen if a larger HACS Alumni reunion gathered together. And imagine the benefits of networking solid, orthodox priests together, all having been formed in the same solid, orthodox seminary together, dealing with issues like this? Just asking.
Aug 2, 2024 | News
CROMWELL. As you drive out the entrance road of the Holy Apostles College and Seminary campus you’ll see a sign declaring: “Entering Mission Territory.” That statement admits that the faith — in what used to be “one nation under God,” — is waning. Atheism is the basis for the “ideological colonization” that is swamping our culture so that “missions” are right in our backyard. So what are we doing about it? Well, it may be politically incorrect to say it, but the old Marine Corps recruitment motto: “We’re looking for a few good men,” still applies to the priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church. No apologies!
And the charism and mission of the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles is precisely suited for the task. We exist to “promote, form and accompany youth and adults in their vocation to the priesthood and to other ministries in the Church.” And so our Founder, Fr. Eusebe Menard, founded Holy Apostles College and Seminary (HACS) as our principle apostolate and place to train “a few good priests” to go on mission, right here in the good ‘ol USA.
How do we do it? The administration and faculty at Holy Apostles are committed to teaching the “mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16) by providing faithful, orthodox instruction and formation to give solid, holy priests to the Church. They pledge, by an oath of fidelity called the Mandatum, to teach according to the Church’s Magisterium regarding faith and morals — so their charges may be spiritually well armed, servant soldiers of “salt and light,” that can inspire and guide the Church and evangelize the world-at-large. With this in mind, and with the approval of HACS Rector Fr. Peter Kucer, a vocation discernment opportunity, aka, a “Come and See” retreat, was offered inside the St. James House of Discernment on campus over 3 days, June 6, 7 & 8, 2024.
Whodunit? MSA Vocation Coordinator Fr. Skip Thompson flew cross-continent from Southern California to first attend the MSA-USA Provincial Assembly in late May; and secondly, multi-tasked by preparing and delivering an MSA vocation retreat. MSA Brs. Bobby Cantoni and Ronnie Aucoin were instrumental in preparing for and participating in the retreat program. And daily served and accompanied our “few good men.”
Three men “came and saw” — to discern and reconnoiter — our college and seminary and our MSA community of priests and brothers — who in turn discerned right back! They were: Michael Gillespie of Walnut Creek, CA; Steven Roque of Winooski, VT and Chris Woods of Wantagh, NY on Long Island. The consensus was that a good experience was had by all! Good men, good time, good God!

Inside St. James’ House of Discernment chapel. Seated from left to right are our “Aspirants” – Chris Woods, Mike Gillespie, and Steve Roque. Standing from L to R are Br. Ronnie Aucoin, yours truly, and Br. Bob Cantoni.
Special presenters to the retreat program included the MSA Provincial Animator and HACS Chancellor, the Very Reverend Marty Rooney; HACS Rector, the Very Reverend Peter Kucer, Provincial Bursar Reverend Ed Przygocki and our newly ordained Reverend Dan Valente — all MSA members.
Of the hundreds of writings by MSA founder, Fr. Eusebe Menard, OFM, one was specially printed and bound and shared with the men: “Guidelines for Life”. Also provided for their reading and inspiration was Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s classic “The Priest is Not His Own,” the 2019 book by Catholic layman Kevin Wells, “The Priests We Need to Save the Church,” and other materials related to the challenges of our times. Fr. Skip will follow up with each man individually — and more meetings will ensue with MSA leadership over the coming months as the “dance” continues. Please pray for Michael, Steve and Chris and our MSA men discerning with them.
If you think you are — or you know a man you think is — called to serve the Church as a priest please contact Fr. Skip in Oxnard, CA at his Retreat House in California. You can email: [email protected] . Or call him at 805-330-8260. BTW: Pacific Time is 3 hours earlier than Eastern; please don’t call too early. Mercy! He will be very glad to speak with you.
Fr. Skip Thompson is a “second career” priest with the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles and was ordained in 2015. He has 3 children. He serves as the MSA Vocation Director and after concurrently serving as Director of Lay Ministries, Dean of Men at HACS from 2015 to 2020, and Provincial Bursar (whew!) he was sent to California. There Fr. Skip was installed by former Auxillary Bishop Robert Barron to begin ministry at the Retreat House at the Santa Clara Parish in Oxnard, CA. He arrived there on March 26, 2022, the feast day of MSA Founder Fr. Eusebe Menard. You can’t make this up!