White Holy Apostles Logo with crest

Best Master’s in Ministry – 2021

Holy Apostles College and Seminary’s Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies (MAPS) has been selected by Intelligent.com as one of the Best Master’s in Ministry Degree Programs for 2021.

Our award-winning MAPS program continues to make huge impacts throughout the world. Available exclusively online, the MAPS program puts ministry education and development readily at the fingertips of anyone – anywhere. Our exceptionally affordable tuition makes it possible to study and graduate without taking on debt. Graduates and students in the MAPS program are readily living out the missions of Holy Apostles – Evangelization!

According to Intelligent.com, “The 2021 rankings are calculated through a unique scoring system which includes student engagement, potential return on investment and leading third-party evaluations. Intelligent.com analyzed 160 schools, on a scale of 0 to 100, with only 50 making it to the final list. The methodology also uses an algorithm which collects and analyzes multiple rankings into one score to easily compare each school.” PRWeb Press Release 

Learn more about our amazing MAPS program offering.

Holy Apostles Awarded two new rankings!

Graduates in pew

Best 15 Online Philosophy Degree Programs in 2021

The Best Value Schools has ranked Holy Apostles College & Seminary as one of the Best 15 Online Philosophy Degree Programs in 2021. In fact, Holy Apostles College & Seminary is the ONLY Catholic institution listed.

“Based in Cromwell, Connecticut, Holy Apostles College and Seminary can deliver the challenging (and affordable) philosophy degree that you want! Grapple with the subjects of Logic, Epistemology, and Metaphysics. An incredible, high-value program that challenges your mind!”

Learn more about our Philosophy programs here: https://holyapostles.edu/academics/

Top 20 Accredited Colleges Of Religion

College Cliffs has ranked Holy Apostles College & Seminary as one of the Top 20 Accredited Colleges of Religion.

“Holy Apostles College and Seminary (which also offers an on-campus alternative) offers a “faithfully Catholic, 100% online and on-campus liberal arts degree for undergraduate students”, including graduate programs that can be taken via distance learning modalities. They also offer a fast-track program that allows students to complete their degrees in less than three years. It is also known as the most affordable Cardinal Newman Society Recommended College, so if you’re also working towards a vocation, this will put you at an advantage.”

Learn more about our Theology and Pastoral Studies programs here: https://holyapostles.edu/academics/

Internships at WCAT Radio

Dr. Chiara Simeone-DiFrancesco, Holy Apostles alumna, is looking for some interns to work with her WCAT Radio Special Ministries Division.  This division works to train Christian therapists in integrating their faith with their psychotherapy.  We provide philosophy, logic and scriptural formation in order to help them achieve a rich integration that builds their interventions on the sound foundation of Jesus & His teachings/Word.

The Special Ministries Division also has a non-profit mission of Evangelization, formation and ongoing catechesis through the biblical Books of John.  This fulfills the mission of the late Archbishop Tomas Clavel who desired a school for Domestic Evangelization that would be established using the Biblical books of John, and commissioned Romuald Simeone on their implementation.  Little did the Archbishop foresee that they would become not only a set of published volumes (3 volumes, 4 books), but over 125 videos and WCAT radio programs.  One of WCAT’s Special ministries is to take his vision of 35 years in the developing and turn it into a school of learning that is unlimited geographically by virtue of radio and video.

Specifically, we are looking for interns in the following areas:

1)  Social Media & Marketing; 2) Grant research and development.  3)  Media back-end development: WordPress, Mail Chimp, Video Serializations, etc.

We are happy to help you fulfill practicum requirements for your studies that prohibit competing sources of revenue for your current studies.

If you are interested in this unpaid internship, please contact [email protected]

May We Prepare Our Hearts

Dear Friends of Holy Apostles College & Seminary,         

Even as we faced Coronavirus this year, even as we missed out on family celebrations or birthdays or even funerals, we know we are never alone.

Christmas brings God forever near to us.  Born a vulnerable infant, wrapped in “swaddling clothes,” resting in a manger, soothed by the clucking of hens, braying of donkeys, and lowing of cattle. And then the majestic rejoicing of Angel Choirs!  We, too, are united in the great chorus, Alleluia!

I thank you for remaining ever near to us who minister, teach and study at Holy Apostles College and Seminary.  Your prayers have guided our priests and professors, our seminarians, theology students, our young religious sisters in studies.  Your generosity holds open these doors to a new generation of leaders in the Catholic Church we cherish.

In your name, these young men and women, as future priests, religious sisters, and lay leaders, will be sent forth to joyfully preach the Gospel to the whole creation and to baptize in the Name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 

They, too, aspire and strive to be Missionary Disciples of Jesus Christ, as our religious community, the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles, who founded, own, and operate Holy Apostle College and Seminary.

Will you continue your generous and essential partnership with us?  Will you please renew your support for our 27 on-campus seminarians, 15 young priests, and 49 religious sisters whose path to ministry and service in the Church is made possible through scholarships you help provide?

In their ongoing gratitude, they join our religious community and the staff of Holy Apostles College and Seminary, in offering you a Christmas Octave of Masses and prayers celebrated in our Queen of Apostles Chapel.

Please complete the intentions form located here as soon as possible with your prayers and the names of your loved ones so we can remember your special intentions in these special Octave Masses. We ask you to remember in your prayers these courageous young Catholic men and women who long to bear Christ Jesus to the world. I ask you to give generously to help them reach their inspired goal and vocation.

In partnership with Holy Apostles College and Seminary, you are providing them the highest quality Catholic education, rich spiritual formation, and in-depth ministry experience to animate and enrich their vocations of service to God’s people.

Their vocations and their lives of service will be their gift of lasting gratitude to you for your goodness and generosity.  In their years of need, you hold out a hand of friendship and a foundation of support.  They will never forget the gift you are giving them as they go forth as priests, religious sisters, and lay leaders.

May you and your family be protected under the mantle of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, the Christ Child, Queen of Apostles, and Mother of us all. 

Wishing you a Merry and Blessed, Holy and Hopeful Christmas, I remain ~

Very Rev. Peter S. Kucer, M.S.A.
President and Rector

Make a tax-deductible year-end gift Online or by Mail. 

  1. Give Online on or before December 31st
  2. Send a check postmarked December 31st to Holy Apostles College & Seminary, 33 Prospect Hill Road, Cromwell, CT 06416 

Thank you for sharing in the life of the Holy Apostles College & Seminary community and making 2020 a remarkable year. 

August 2020 Newsletter

August 2020 Newsletter Now Available

The August 2020 Holy Apostles College & Seminary is now available.

Read about the Growth at Holy Apostles, Recent Publications, Alumni News, and more!

Growth at Holy Apostles

There is great news indeed – hot off the presses! – from Bob Mish, our Associate Director of Admissions at Holy Apostles:

“I am thrilled to report that compared to our Summer 2019 online learning student and course enrollment totals, the number of students enrolled in our Summer 2020 online courses has gone from 422 to 485, an increase of 15%. More importantly, compared to the Summer 2019, our online learning course enrollment total has gone from 634 to 821, a huge increase of 29%!”

Over the past 10 years, Bob Mish’s carefully documented yearly enrollment summaries provide even more astounding numbers and statistics:

  1. the total number of online students enrolled over the past 10 years has increased from 144 to 485 students, an increase of + 237 %; and
  2.  the number of online course enrollments over the same past 10 years has surged from 202 to 821 online course enrollments, an increase of +306%!

Numbers do not lie, and these great statistics are proof positive that online learning at Holy Apostles is growing by leaps and bounds and meeting the needs and the aspirations of hundreds of online undergraduate and graduate students who are serious about becoming “Leaders for Evangelization.”

These statistics are even more impressive when compared with so many other colleges and universities that are struggling with their own enrollment numbers.
On February 24, 2020, The Chronicle of Higher Education published a feature article titled, “At the Precipice: 6 in 10 Colleges Say They Missed Fall Enrollment Goals.” Their article further stated, “[a]bout two-thirds fell short of net-revenue targets.” Many colleges are hurting and on the verge of closing.

Holy Apostles’ Fall online student enrollment numbers, however, were up by +8%, and our Fall online course enrollment numbers were also up by 17%!

Holy Apostles is dedicated to providing our students with faithful, flexible, and exceptionally affordable online undergraduate and graduate degree programs that are second to none for their fidelity to the Magisterium as well as for their academic excellence. We are proud to be recommended by the Newman Guide.
Spread the Good News! There is still time to apply for the Fall of 2020!

Please contact the Admissions Office today at: [email protected]