News & Updates
A Few Good Men
CROMWELL. As you drive out the entrance road of the Holy Apostles College and Seminary campus you’ll see a sign declaring: “Entering Mission Territory.” That statement admits that the faith — in what used to be “one nation under God,” — is waning. Atheism is the basis...
Our Faithful Parish Priests
For most Catholic parishioners, priests have been reliable figures surrounding them throughout their lives. They signify the stability of the Catholic faith that can be counted on in times of trouble. Parish priests have an enormous responsibility in the Catholic...
In Memoriam
We commemorate our deceased members of the Holy Apostles family and request that you keep them in your prayers. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy...
Fr. Wade Menezes Honored at Commencement by Alma Mater Holy Apostles College and Seminary
Holy Apostles College and Seminary held its 66th Commencement Ceremony on May 4, 2024. One hundred fifty graduates representing thirty-seven states and seven countries received degrees, attending either in-person or via live stream. During the ceremony, Rev. Wade...
Reflecting on Divine Mercy: Highlights from the Holy Apostles Retreat
On Saturday, April 5, over 80 attendees joined the Divine Mercy Retreat held on the Holy Apostles College & Seminary (HACS) campus. The prayerful day began with the Holy Mass in the chapel celebrated by Rev. Dominic Anaeto, pastor of Our Lady Queen of Angels...
Holy Apostles Honors Alumnus Fr. Wade Menezes for His Role in Evangelization
Holy Apostles is excited to honor alumnus Fr. Wade Menezes, C.P.M., with an honorary doctorate degree at the 66th Commencement Ceremony to be held on May 4, 2024. Fr. Menezes, a summa cum laude graduate of the Class of 2000, with dual Master of Arts in Theology and...
Meet Our Chancellor and President-Rector
Fr. Martin Rooney, M.S.A., Chancellor Growing up in Palisades Park, New Jersey, the Very Reverend Martin Rooney, M.S.A., Chancellor at Holy Apostles College and Seminary, first came to Holy Apostles as an unsponsored seminarian. During his initial year, after looking...
Divine Mercy Retreat
Please join us for a special Divine Mercy Retreat on Saturday, April 6, 2024 from 9:30 am – 2:00 pm at the Holy Apostles campus in Cromwell, CT. The day will begin with the Holy Mass "celebrated by Fr. Dominic Anaeto" and followed by talks given by Mr. Daniel O’Connor...
Holy Apostles Students Attend 51st March for Life
"I was intensely proud in that moment to be pro-life, to be Catholic, and to be a member of the Holy Apostles community," says Samuel, an undergraduate Holy Apostles student who is also discerning the priesthood. The pro-life identity at Holy Apostles is very strong,...
An Adventure in Following the Footsteps of the Founder
Article by Fr. Jeffrey “Skip” Thompson, MSA March is “Fr. Menard Month” for the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles to honor the priest who founded our MSA and the seminary that bears its name. Back in 1943-46, the first ministry of the charismatic young Franciscan...