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Earn Your

Master of Divinity in the New Evangelization

100% Online

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Explore the Possibilities with
a Master of Divinity


Earn your Master of Divinity in the New Evangelization 100% online from a Cardinal Newman Society Recommended College

Through our online Master of Divinity program, you will be guided to pursue truth, goodness, and beauty for a lifetime. Be ready to “make disciples of all nations” by teaching them to follow all that Jesus has commanded us (Matthew 28:19-20).

The 72-credit Master of Divinity in the New Evangelization prepares Catholic men and women for professional careers.

Career Opportunities

  • Catholic School Teacher
  • Administrators
  • Directors of Religious Education (DRE)
  • Diocesan Directors
  • Hospital Chaplains
  • Youth Ministers

Looking for information on programs, admissions, or financial aid? We’re here to help!

Professional Degree

Master of Divinity in the
New Evangelization

  • Online
  • Eligible for transfer credits

4 years

Program Length


Total Credits


Per Credit Hour

April 4

Application Due

May 3

Online Start Date

Ready to Apply?

Take your next step toward your success and your future!

Required Courses


PAS 602 Fundamentals of Practical Theology
PHS 607 Philosophy for Theologians

MDivNE Subject Area Courses

Sacred Scripture Courses:
1. SAS 638 Torah & Old Testament Historical Books
2. SAS 651 Synoptic Gospels
3. SAS 661 Gospel of John
4. CHH/SAS 720 The Early Church and Evangelization

Moral Theology Courses:
1. APO 535 Moral Apologetics
2. BIE 625 Catholic Bioethics
3. MTH 611 Fundamental Moral Theology I
4. MTH 612 Fundamental Moral Theology II
5. MTH 851 Contemporary Moral Issues

Dogmatic Theology and Church History Courses:
1. DTH 731 One and Triune God
2. DTH 751 Christology
3. DTH 760 Ecclesiology and Ecumenism
4. DTH 800 The Seven Sacraments
5. CHH 700 Church History

Pastoral Studies Courses:
1. APO 512 Apologetics
2. PAS 511 Mission and Evangelization
3. PAS 621 Pastoral Care of Marriage & Family
4. PAS 785 Pastoral Issues Concerning Human Sexuality

Spiritual Theology Courses:
1. DTH 512 Spiritual Life in the Classics
2. DTH 766 Mary, Mother of God & Mother of the Church

Electives: Choose any two of the courses listed below.
1. APO 520 Adapting Evangelization to Hispanic Cultures (Fall semesters)
2. APO 565 Reading Science in the Light of Faith (Fall semesters)
3. PAS 605 Intercultural Competencies (Fall semesters)
4. PAS 660 Thanatology (offered every semester)
5. PAS 651 History and Foundations of Catechesis (Fall semesters)
6. PHE 610 Ethics (Fall & Summer semesters)
7. PHE 617 The Personalism of John Paul II (Fall semesters)
8. PHS 628 Thomistic Exemplar Organizational Leadership (Spring semesters)

Advanced Standing Pathway

An applicant with relevant graduate coursework such as the MA in Theology or the MA in Pastoral Studies, may apply for the Advanced Standing Pathway for the Master of Divinity in the New Evangelization.

The Advanced Standing Pathway allows the student to complete the program in as little as 48 credits instead of 72 credits. Approval of entry into the Advanced Standing Pathway is at the discretion of the Program Director in consultation with the Academic Dean.

Who Is This Program For?

• You!
• Those Working in Ministry
• Those Desiring to Pursue Work in Ministry
• Catholic School Teachers and other Educators
• Catholic Professionals
• Nurses, Therapists, and other Health Care Professionals
• Counselors and Spiritual Directors
• Marriage and Family Coordinators
• Youth Ministers
• Parents who Homeschool their Children
• Coordinators of Religious Education Programs
• Everyone Wanting to Grow in Knowledge and Love of the Catholic Faith


How do I apply?

Applicants for the M.Div. in the New Evangelization program should follow the Online M.Div/NE Admissions procedures.

Is this an Online Program?

Yes. Our 100% online courses provide students with the flexibility that makes the Master of Divinity degree program practical and “doable” for those with obligations to parish, family and work. The Master of Divinity in the New Evangelization degree may be completed 100% online.

Program Learning Outcomes

Students earning the Master of Divinity in the New Evangelization program will be able to:

  1. Apply Catholic doctrine and morals in theological and pastoral setting.
  2. Articulate and employ mature pastoral-theological evangelization and reflection, demonstrating prudence, knowledge of the Faith, and a realistic appraisal of concrete pastoral circumstances.
  3. Conduct pastoral-theological research in an effective and ethical manner.
  4. Develop strategies to foster growth in holiness and fidelity to the truth within those ministered to in the context of the new evangelization and in other pastoral situations.
  5. Collaborate effectively with others in the work of ministry and evangelization.
  6. Engage in guided human, spiritual, and pastoral formation through field experience.
Where can I find full program details for the MDivNE?

The complete program information for the Online Masters of Divinity in the New Evangelization may be found by visiting, Online MDiv

Which career paths could I pursue?

Equipped with theology and pastoral competence, our graduates will advance the New Evangelization as Catholic school teachers, administrators, DREs, apologists, hospital chaplains, youth ministers, marriage and family coordinators, and parochial and diocesan directors of countless ministries in the Church today.

The time is now to “rekindle in ourselves the impetus of the beginnings and allow ourselves to be filled with the ardor of the apostolic preaching which followed Pentecost” (John Paul II, Novo Millennio Ineunte #40).

In sum, this program is for you! Apply today!

Is Holy Apostles College & Seminary accredited?

Holy Apostles College and Seminary is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), the Connecticut Office of Higher Education (CTOHE), and the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). For more accreditation information visit here

Are the faculty members faithful to the Magisterium?

Yes, faculty members are faithful to the Magisterium. On-campus professors take the Oath of Fidelity that is witnessed by our Chancellor, the MSA provincial. Online professors are invited to take the Oath of Fidelity and make the Profession of Faith by ZOOM at the same time that the on-campus faculty does at the beginning of each academic year.

Who is the Program Director?

Program Director:

Dr. Edward Trendowski, etrendowski@holyapostles.edu 

For a full listing of our faculty, please visit Faculty Listing.


How do I apply?

Applicants for the M.Div. in the New Evangelization program should follow the Online M.Div/NE Admissions procedures.

Who is this program for?

• You!
• Those Working in Ministry
• Those Pursuing Work in Ministry
• Catholic School Teachers
• Catholic Professionals
• Health Care Professionals
• Counselors and Spiritual Directors
• Parish & Diocesan Coordinators

Program Learning Outcomes

Students earning the Master of Divinity in the New Evangelization program will be able to:

  1. Apply Catholic doctrine and morals in theological and pastoral setting.
  2. Articulate and employ mature pastoral-theological evangelization and reflection, demonstrating prudence, knowledge of the Faith, and a realistic appraisal of concrete pastoral circumstances.
  3. Conduct pastoral-theological research in an effective and ethical manner.
  4. Develop strategies to foster growth in holiness and fidelity to the truth within those ministered to in the context of the new evangelization and in other pastoral situations.
  5. Collaborate effectively with others in the work of ministry and evangelization.
  6. Engage in guided human, spiritual, and pastoral formation through field experience.
Where can I find full program details for the MDivNE?

The complete program information for the Online Masters of Divinity in the New Evangelization may be found by visiting, Online MDiv

Is this an Online Program?

Yes. Our 100% online courses provide students with the flexibility that makes the Master of Divinity degree program practical and “doable” for those with obligations to parish, family and work. The Master of Divinity in the New Evangelization degree may be completed 100% online.

Which career paths could I pursue?

Equipped with theology and pastoral competence, our graduates will advance the New Evangelization as Catholic school teachers, administrators, DREs, apologists, hospital chaplains, youth ministers, marriage and family coordinators, and parochial and diocesan directors of countless ministries in the Church today.

The time is now to “rekindle in ourselves the impetus of the beginnings and allow ourselves to be filled with the ardor of the apostolic preaching which followed Pentecost” (John Paul II, Novo Millennio Ineunte #40).

In sum, this program is for you! Apply today!

Is Holy Apostles College & Seminary accredited?

Holy Apostles College and Seminary is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), the Connecticut Office of Higher Education (CTOHE), and the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). For more accreditation information visit here

Are the faculty members faithful to the Magisterium?

Yes, faculty members are faithful to the Magisterium. On-campus professors take the Oath of Fidelity that is witnessed by our Chancellor, the MSA provincial. Online professors are invited to take the Oath of Fidelity and make the Profession of Faith by ZOOM at the same time that the on-campus faculty does at the beginning of each academic year.

Who is the Program Director?

Program Director:

Dr. Edward Trendowski, etrendowski@holyapostles.edu 

For a full listing of our faculty, please visit Faculty Listing.

Study Online

The Holy Apostles


An authentically Catholic education should be available to everyone.
Time and cost should not stand in your way.

You deserve the highest quality academics that are both convenient and affordable.

Let Holy Apostles set you on the path to achieving your goals.

Why Holy Apostles

Flexible & Online

Holy Apostles makes a quality education accessible. You can complete your degree any time, anywhere. Our small class sizes make learning easier, providing personalized attention from our excellent faculty.

Tuition you can afford

At Holy Apostles, we believe that a debt-free graduate is a gift to the Church. We are one of the most affordable colleges recommended by the Cardinal Newman Guide.


The Catholic university is “born from the heart of the Church,” as St. John Paul II stated in Ex Corde Ecclesiae.

From its very foundation, Holy Apostles College & Seminary has dedicated itself to proclaiming the truth and forming our students to do the same.

Explore the Possibilities

Looking for information on programs, admissions, or financial aid? We're here to help.


Speak to your personal Admissions Counselor today for more information.

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