Article by Fr. Jeffrey “Skip” Thompson, MSA
Brothers who’ve responded to the call of the priesthood are a special lot. And seminary classmates have a special bond of friendship that comes from studying together in the same place and time and “burning the midnight oil” on the weightiest subject a mind can focus on: God So, it’s good for Alumni to stay in touch.
Earlier in May, I signed up to chaplain a Holland America cruise ship bound for Alaska from Vancouver, B.C. On board, I delivered daily mass, Sunday Masses for passengers and crew and a Sunday fellowship for our “separated protestant brothers and sisters”.
It turns out my old classmate of the Class of 2015, Fr. Larry Lynn, is now Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes parish in Coquitlam, near Vancouver. I flew up from Los Angeles to spend a week with him before my cruise ministry.
I was present to cover for Fr. Larry one day due to illness. And he invited me to deliver Sunday homilies on John 6 — the Bread of Life discourse — my favorite retreat conference topic! Okay, I’m helping, good stuff.
But before coming I sent Fr. Larry a short treatise by Bishop Michael Burbidge from the Diocese of Arlington, entitled “A Catechesis on the Human Person and Gender Theory.” It is solid information and overdue. Unfortunately, too much “self-censorship” seems to be going on.

Left: Fr. Larry Lynn, Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes, Coquitlam, B.C., Canada. Right: Fr. Skip Thompson, MSA. Director of the Santa Clara Retreat House in Oxnard, CA. Thinking, walking and talking one day on the Pitt River just north of Coquitlam, and east of Vancouver, B.C.,. You never know what might be dreamed up!
Our countries are drowning in a cesspool of ideology to pervert and ruin our future generations. Parents and parishes need critical help, yesterday, to understand the truth of the human person from the perspective of Christian anthropology — to be able to push back against the culture and save their kids. Priests and bishops need to do their jobs — or else! He who has ears to hear, listen to Ezekiel 3 for details!
So, a fine idea emanated from our little “Alumni mini-reunion.” Why not deliver a conference on this hot, controversial topic? Our kids’ survival is at stake. The Chancery approved it. It’s been promoted to the whole Deanery. And even passengers from the cruise ship are coming! The date is September 5, 2024. Look for a future blub on this event.
But, here’s the takeaway: imagine, what would happen if a larger HACS Alumni reunion gathered together. And imagine the benefits of networking solid, orthodox priests together, all having been formed in the same solid, orthodox seminary together, dealing with issues like this? Just asking.