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Congratulations Graduates!

Congratulations Graduates!

The Board of Trustees, along with the President-Rector, Administration, Faculty and Staff of Holy Apostles College & Seminary would like to congratulate all of our graduates.

Unfortunately we were not able to gather to celebrate and honor you for this achievement, but we will celebrate with you at a later date-as soon as we are able.

As you look back at this grace filled journey, we hope that Holy Apostles was everything you thought it was going to be and more.

As you go forward please be assured of our prayers for you in the future. For those of you who will continue at Holy Apostles for further education, we look forward to your presence whether it be on campus or online.

May God bless you and your families and again CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

End of the Semester Consecration to Mary

End of the Semester Consecration to Mary

Dear Family of Holy Apostles College and Seminary:

First, thank you, staff and faculty, for your great patience and hard work during these trying times. Also, thank you students (Seminarians, Sisters, Priests, Lay Students) for your perseverance in your studies and especially for the countless times that you have made the special effort to smile, be joyful and lift our spirits up in the Lord Jesus.

You are invited to conclude this Spring Semester in the following spiritual way. In union with Pope Francis and our bishops, this Friday, May 1st representatives from our spiritual family will be praying the rosary at 3 P.M. Eastern Standard Time as the U.S. Bishops consecrate the United States of America to our Blessed Mother, Mary, Mother of the Church.

We will end the Rosary with two prayers composed by our Holy Father, Pope Francis. Pope Francis has invited us to recite these prayers at the conclusion of the Rosary and which, he writes, “I myself will recite in the month of May, spiritually united to you.”

United in the Lord Jesus,
Fr Peter Kucer, M.S.A., President-Rector

HACS student inspires others with her music

Holy Apostles’ student Marie Miller uses her music from her new album Little Dreams, a tribute to the Little Flower’s “Little Way,” to bring comfort and strength to the world during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Marie was recently interviewed by the National Catholic Register (NCR) where she spoke about the release of her album during the current health crisis. 

Miller says, “During these difficult times, I really wanted to use my art as a source of comfort and strength for our world community enduring this pandemic. We are creating a ‘quarantine collage’ music video for my song Brave New Step from Little Dreams — people are sending photos from all over the world thanking the health-care workers on the front lines risking their lives.” (NCR, April 26, 2020, Marie Miller’s Music Has a St. Thérèse Connection

Watch Marie’s latest video for her song “Brave New Step” dedicated to our #Healthcareheros 

Christ is Risen! Alleluia!

Christ is Risen! Alleluia!

Dear Family of Holy Apostles College and Seminary,

Today, we began celebrating the Easter Novena of Masses for your intentions. May Easter blessings from our Lord Jesus Christ shower down upon you.

United in the Lord Jesus,

Fr. Peter Kucer, M.S.A.
President-Rector of Holy Apostles College & Seminary