The Graduate Pastoral Studies Department is pleased to announce a community-wide rosary initiative, and you are invited to attend via Zoom on February 15, March 15, and April 12 at 7:00 PM Eastern time. Everyone will receive the link; no RSVP is necessary. We will gather for the praying of the rosary, which should only take about 20-30 minutes.
The Rationale
Each Catholic campus, and even more, every seminary, is to be a cenacle of prayer and an oasis where the community can grow in holiness, faith, and charity. Placing ourselves in the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Pastoral Studies Department is pleased to announce this all-new rosary initiative, which contributes toward the spiritual growth and nourishment of the entire academic community, both on campus and online. Our community wide rosary will take place once a month for three months of the semester. All are invited, whether on campus or online, from your area of the world: undergraduates, graduates, alumni, faculty and staff.
The Logistics
Each semester, a student will be appointed as the Rosary Chaplain. He/she will organize and lead a rosary via Zoom for the academic community each month for three consecutive months of the semester. Again, the entire rosary event, will only last about 20-30 minutes. Any student who is interested in serving as the Rosary Chaplain for the spring semester, please contact the Pastoral Studies Program Director, Dr. J. Marianne Siegmund ([email protected]).
The dates for the spring rosary are February 15, March 15 and April 12 at 7:00 PM Eastern time via Zoom. Spread the word, and plan on attending the first community wide rosary on February 15!
The benefits of praying the holy rosary are many. For example, one can gain at plenary or partial indulgence under the usual conditions. For more, see The Enchiridion on Indulgences #48. The rosary also helps one to grow in peace and in union with our loving Father in Heaven. Bring a greater sense of peace to your life, your family, and your academic endeavors at Holy Apostles by joining us in praying the holy rosary! One need not be Catholic to attend. For additional benefits, see the 15 Promises to Those Who Pray the Rosary.
Join Us!
Shortly before each rosary event, you will receive a Zoom link. Click on it to join your Holy Apostles academic community in this contemplative, peaceful 20-30 minute time of prayer. It is not necessary to have your video camera on. For questions, please contact the Pastoral Studies Program Director, Dr. Siegmund ([email protected]). We look forward to having you join the spring Holy Apostles community wide rosary on February 15, March 15 and April 12 at 7:00 PM Eastern time!