Welcome to Your Library
How May We Assist You Today?
In Person
By Phone – 860-632-3009
By email – [email protected]
By Zoom – [email protected]
EBSCOhost Databases have a new USER INTERFACE starting January 1, 2025. It is easier to use. Here is the link to their Quick Start Guide
Research Assistance Begins Here
- Define Your Research Topic – use these tools for background information to define your terms and develop a research question or statement.
- Dictionaries – print book collection and eBook collection
- Handbooks – print book collection and eBook collection
- Encyclopedias (A-Z Listing)
- Tutorials and Videos
- Locate Books on Your Research Topic – books or monographs provide a single view perspective on a subject by one or more authors
- Print book collection
- eBook collection
- Tutorials and Videos
- Locate Articles on Your Research Topic from Databases – articles provide diverse opinions on a topic. Be sure to locate academic, scholarly articles from respected publications in your field of study.
- Database Subject Guide Chart
- Online Databases (A-Z listing)
- Tutorials and Videos
- Locate Articles and Books on Your Topic from Other Sources
- Bibliographies from articles and books on your topic
- Recommendations from your Professors
- Recommendations from your Reference Librarians at [email protected]
- Primary versus Secondary Sources – The use of primary and secondary sources is based on the type of paper being researched and written. For example, an exegesis paper on a passage in Scripture will always have the Bible as a primary source, and commentaries, books, and articles as secondary sources. Occasionally, due to the nature of a research topic, primary and secondary sources can become intertwined. It is possible for a primary source in one type of research paper, to become a secondary source in another type of research paper. For example, in a paper on Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov, the Bible can serve as a secondary source within Dostoevsky’s original, primary work.
- Primary Sources provide first-hand evidence of an event, a person, or a place within a set timeframe. We often refer to these sources as eyewitness accounts.
- Secondary Sources serve to analyze, evaluate, summarize, and process primary sources. They are normally removed in time from the primary event but often serve to provide concise insights from a particular perspective of a past event.
- Useful Link, Useful Link and videos
- Writing Your Research Paper – your final research paper should be a synthesis of all of the information you have located, read, comprehended, and concluded into your own words. The final paper becomes your paper. An academic research paper generally includes the following sections:
- Title Page
- Introduction
- Body of the Research Paper
- Conclusion
- Bibliography
7. How to Format Your Footnotes and Bibliography –
- Please visit “Citation Assistance Begins Here”
8. For Further Assistance
- Visit your Online Writing Lab (OWL): Cynthia Gniadek at [email protected]
- Visit your On-Campus Learning Center: TBA
9. Tutorials
Citation Assistance Begins Here
1. Why Citations are Important – Proper citations are crucial in an academic paper for two main reasons.
- First, to show that the idea you have incorporated into your paper belongs to another individual.
- Second, to show that you have understood the content of the individual you have quoted from.
If either of these reasons become questioned by your professor, your professor can easily locate your quotation and evaluate your use within your paper.
2. What is a Footnote – A footnote is a marker to the exact location of your quotation within your paper. For a book or an article, the specific page number is included. For a digital footnote, please follow the Guidelines listed below.
3. What is a Bibliography – A bibliography is an alphabetical listing of all of the sources consulted and cited in writing your research paper. The bibliography is located at the end of your paper. In some cases, your professor may require you to divide your Bibliography into two separate alphabetical listings containing Primary Sources and Secondary Sources. Your professor may also require you to include an Annotated Bibliography at the end of your paper. An Annotated Bibliography follows the format of a traditional bibliography with the addition of a few brief sentences following each citation that indicate the significance this particular source has for your overall paper. Please follow the Guidelines listed below.
4. Holy Apostles Citation Guidelines
- Guidelines for Academic and Professional Papers and M.A. Theses – June 2024
- Abridged Guidelines for Academic and Professional Papers and M.A. Theses – June 2024
5. For Further Assistance
Visit your Online Writing Lab (OWL): Cynthia Gniadek at [email protected]
Visit your On-Campus Learning Center: TBA
Tutorials and Videos:
Citing Sources in Your Written Work – Part 1
Citing Sources in Your Written Work – Part 2
Citing Sources in Your Written Work – Part 3
The Library is currently closed to the public.
Monday – Thursday
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
6:30PM – 9:00PM
9:00AM – 4:30PM
9:00AM – Noon
12:30PM – 4:30PM
1:00PM – 3:30PM
6:30PM – 9:00PM
For inquiries, please email:
[email protected]
Marian D. Farley
Director of Library Services
Br. Robert Whitton, M.S.A.
Assistant to the Director /Circulation Assistant
Kristina Nowakowski
Librarian, Head of Technical and Access Services
Mrs. Joan E. Chasse
Librarian, Interlibrary Loans and Serials
Library Services
Reference Services
Research Assistance
Reference Desk is open Monday thru Friday 9:00 am to 4:30 pm (EST) by phone or email.
Phone – 860-632-3009
Email – [email protected]
Inter-Library Loan Services
For our ILL Request Form for Books & Journals Articles please click here.
Please see our ILL Services Notice for more detailed information.
If there are any issues with the link or the online request, please email the following information for your request to [email protected]:
FOR JOURNAL ARTICLES –> journal title, volume, & issue; inclusive pages; article author; and article title
FOR BOOK REQUESTS –> author, title, call number, publisher, and date of publication & your home address
Only requests from valid @holyapostles.edu addresses will be accepted. Please also include your phone number should ILL need to reach you to clarify your request.
Inter-Library Loan Request Fee Structure
Type of Loan Request | Fee Structure |
Book from Holy Apostles College & Seminary Book Collection | N/C students & faculty Borrower responsible for return shipping and insurance |
Article/Document reprint from Holy Apostles College & Seminary Journal Collection | Copyright fee, if eligible Delivery via email, fax, or U.S. mail |
Article/Document reprint requested by Library staff from another Library via ILL* | All fees charged by the lending Library |
* Please note: The Holy Apostles College & Seminary Library cannot borrow books from other Libraries for our Online Learning students and faculty. We ask that you visit the Interlibrary Loan Department (ILL) of your local public library for this service. Please Note: ILL Requests for journal articles are limited to five articles and three books per person per semester. Please consult Library Handbook for additional policies.
For further information, please contact the Inter-library Loan Department at [email protected] or telephone 860-632-3092.
Discovery & Research
Books (Print Book Collection)
Holy Apostles College and Seminary Library maintains a print book collection of more than 60,000 volumes with an emphasis on Theology, Philosophy, and the Humanities. All of our books are classified according to the Library of Congress Classification System.
Databases (A-Z Listing)
Access to our Library’s digital resources is restricted to current Holy Apostles College and Seminary students, faculty, and staff.
Click here to view the Subject Chart Guide for the Online Databases
The ABI Inform Collection includes international coverage and provides researchers a complete picture of companies and business trends around the world.
This multi-disciplinary database provides full text for more than 3,100 journals, including full text for nearly 2,700 peer-reviewed titles.
ATLA Religion Database with ATLA Serials Plus (ATLA Tutorial)
Atla Religion Database® with AtlaSerials PLUS® (Atlas PLUS®) combines the premier index to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion with Atla’s largest collection of full-text religion and theology journals. AtlasPLUS contains more than 530 full-text titles, including all AtlaSerials® (Atlas®) titles. This database is produced by Atla, a membership association of collectors and connectors in religion and theology.
Cambridge University Press Journals
The Cambridge University Press currently publish more than 420 peer-reviewed academic journals covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences and science, technology and medicine.
CINAHL® with Full Text is the world’s most comprehensive source of full text for nursing & allied health journals, providing full text for more than 610 journals indexed in CINAHL®. This authoritative file contains full text for many of the most used journals in the CINAHL index – with no embargo. Full-text coverage dates back to 1981.
Providing exclusive online full text for many of the top consumer legal reference books, Legal Information Reference Center contains more than 225 full-text publications and thousands of legal forms, with more content being added on a regular basis. A majority of the full-text legal reference books are provided through Nolo, the nation’s oldest and most-respected provider of legal information for consumers and small businesses.
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) indexes more than 560 core journals, nearly 50 priority journals, and nearly 125 selective journals; plus books, research reports and proceedings. Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more. Coverage in the database extends back as far as the mid-1960s.
PubMed® comprises more than 37 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher websites.
The Philosopher’s Index™, produced by the Philosopher’s Information Center, is a current and comprehensive bibliographic database covering scholarly research in all major fields of philosophy. The Philosopher’s Index with Full Text, considered the most thorough index of journal literature on the subject, features author-written abstracts covering scholarly research published in journals and books, including contributions to anthologies and book reviews. The Philosopher’s Index contains research published since 1940 including over 680 journals from more than 50 countries with content representing a variety of languages.
A comprehensive Spanish-language resource offering 49,000 encyclopedia entries, 50,000 images, 2,500 health reports, a Spanish-English dictionary and the full text of over 100 hundred reference books and dozens of general interest magazines in a broad array of subject areas. Its intuitive, theme-based Spanish-language interface is designed to make content readily accessible to Spanish speakers with limited online research experience. Daily updates ensure availability of the most current articles from a dozen prominent newspapers from 10 Latin American countries.
Religion & Philosophy Collection
Religion & Philosophy Collection™ provides extensive coverage of such topics as world religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy and the history of philosophy. With more than 300 full-text journals, the Religion & Philosophy Collection is an essential tool for researchers and students of theology and philosophical studies.
researchIT CT – The CT Digital Library
researchIT CT offers free online resources as a service of the CT State Library. Here you will find journal, magazine, and newspaper articles for Connecticut public, K12, and academic libraries and their users.
Science Reference Center is a comprehensive research database that provides easy access to a multitude of full-text science-oriented content. This database contains full text for nearly 640 science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, etc. Topics covered include: biology, chemistry, earth & space science, environmental science, health & medicine, history of science, life science, physics, science & society, science as inquiry, scientists, technology and wildlife.
eBook Collection
Access to our Library’s digital resources is restricted to current Holy Apostles College and Seminary students, faculty, and staff.
A multidisciplinary eBook collection containing over 230,000 digital titles from the EBSCO eBook Academic Collection, the ResearchIT CT eBook Collections, and purchased eBooks. (Tutorial)
eEncyclopedias (A-Z Listing)
Access to our Library’s digital resources is restricted to current Holy Apostles College and Seminary students, faculty, and staff.
Encyclopedia Britannica Academic Edition
The largest, most authoritative encyclopedia in the world. Contains 100,000+ topical articles written by over 100 notable experts including Nobel laureates, historians, curators, and professors. Articles include primary sources, maps, photos, illustrations, statistics, websites, videos, and more.
Encyclopedia of Catholic Social Thought; Social Science; and Social Policy v.1-2
Combines theoretical work on important topics and scholarly disciplines; social science perspectives on a variety of topics; and treatment of practical policy implications that flow from applying the Catholic religious, moral, and intellectual tradition to contemporary issues. Contact [email protected] for v.3 content.
Encyclopedia of Philosophy 2nd ed. 2006
This second edition has a truly global perspective. It contains more than 2,100 entries — including more than 450 new articles. Among the many topics covered are African, Islamic, Jewish, Russian, Chinese, and Buddhist philosophies; bioethics and biomedical ethics; art and aesthetics; epistemology; metaphysics; peace and war; social and political philosophy; the Holocaust; and feminist thought. Additionally, the second edition also features 1,000 biographical entries on major figures in philosophical thought throughout history.
New Catholic Encyclopedia 2nd ed. 2003 (Plus all supplements)
This second edition features contributions from hundreds of scholars from all over the world, under the guidance of Catholic University of America’s Reverend Berard Marthaler, O.F.M.Conv. and Gale. Incorporating content from the five supplementary volumes to the first edition of the New Catholic Encyclopedia, this edition also features revised and new articles. Among the 12,000 signed entries in the Encyclopedia are articles on theology, philosophy, history, literary figures, saints, and musicians.
New Catholic Encyclopedia Jubilee Volume: The Wojtyla Years
This supplement focuses on the pontificate of Saint John Paul II and includes thematic essays presenting the man and his work. Headings include: The Papacy of John Paul II; Church Documents; People and Places; Institutions and Events, Saints and Blessed.
New Catholic Encyclopedia Supplement 2009: Science and the Church
This supplement features over 185 signed, peer-reviewed entries that focus on two themes: The Church and Science and the Church in the United States. Regarding the theme of the Church and Science, this supplement examines scientific and bioethical topics such as intelligent design, brain death, assisted nutrition, cloning, and reproductive technology. As pertains to the theme of the Church in the United States, this supplement highlights events and statistics, such as the local ecclesial responses to sex abuse cases and the rapid growth of ethnic populations.
New Catholic Encyclopedia Supplement 2010 : Modern History and the Church
This supplement features over 525 peer-reviewed, signed entries that focus on two themes: The Church in modern history and the new Saints and the Blessed. The timeframe of modern history runs from the year 1500 through 2009, with an emphasis on papal reactions to various events such as the American Revolution, World War II, and the War in Iraq. Also included are important themes such as Jewish-Catholic relations and the legal history of Church-State relations in the United States. Biographies of significant historical figures such as Mussolini, Stalin, Charles de Gaulle, and John F. Kennedy round out the historical coverage. The second theme incorporates 200 biographies of Catholics beatified and canonized, chiefly by Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI. The biographies of these saints and blessed frequently relate to the theme of modern history due to connections with events such as the Spanish Civil War and the anti-Catholic persecutions in Mexico during the 1920s.
New Catholic Encyclopedia Supplement 2011: Literature and the Arts
This supplement covers the areas of art, music, and literature. It features over 340 signed, peer-reviewed articles written by specialists and scholars. In addition to the focus on the arts, it includes bios of those beatified and canonized since 2010, as well as entries on other relevant current Catholic issues, events and topics, such as: The Internet and the church, Pope Benedict XVI, popular culture, sex abuse crisis, television and Catholicism, women artists, and Catholic art.
New Catholic Encyclopedia Supplement 2012-2013: Ethics and Philosophy
This supplement is dedicated to philosophical themes, with a focus on philosophy in the Western tradition. It features 700 (450 new and 250 updated/revised) signed, peer-reviewed articles that cover a wide range of topics including ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, logic, aesthetics, philosophy of literature, art, and music, political philosophy, and philosophy of law. It contains numerous articles of special interest to Catholic thought and culture covering such areas as the philosophical aspects of love, hope, wisdom, marriage, friendship, death, pain and suffering, the human person and the human soul, and the philosophy of God and religion.
Virtual Reference Library (All Gale Titles)
Search all three Gale Encyclopedia sets together: (Tutorial)
Encyclopedia of Catholic Social Thought, Social Science, and Social Policy v.1 & 2
Encyclopedia of Philosophy
New Catholic Encyclopedia plus Supplements
Journal Collections
Holy Apostles Library Journal Holdings – This is the complete listing of all journal titles held by the Library, both in print and with digital access.
E-Journal Finder (ResearchIT CT Databases) – This is the complete listing of all journals and newspapers that are currently part of the ResearchIT CT Digital Library.
Holy Apostle College and Seminary Journals in Print– This is the complete listing of all journal titles held by the Library in print.
Access to our Library’s digital resources is restricted to current Holy Apostles College and Seminary students, faculty, and staff.
Title | Off Campus Access** | On Campus Access |
researchIT Newspapers | Off Campus Access | On Campus Access |
Newspaper Source Plus (EBSCO) | Off Campus Access | On Campus Access |
U.S. Major Dailies (ProQuest) | Off Campus Access | On Campus Access |
Special Collections & Archives (Includes Summative Evaluation Collections)
Special Collections unique to Holy Apostles College and Seminary Library include our Pope Francis collection, our Pope Benedict XVI Collection, our Faculty Collection, the publications of the Society of the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles, and our summative evaluation collections.
M.A. Professional Papers Collection
M.A. Special Projects Collection
M.A. Theses Collection
Post-Master’s Certificate (PMC) Papers Collection
Archive Collections unique to Holy Apostles College and Seminary Library include the writings of Fr. Eusebe-Henri Menard, O.F.M. Collection, the Archives of the Society of the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles of the Province of the USA, and the Archives of Holy Apostles College and Seminary.
Fr. Eusebe-Henri Menard, O.F.M. Collection
Visitors are welcome to utilize our Special Collections and Archives materials during normal library hours. To do so, please schedule an appointment with the Director of Library Services by sending an email to [email protected]
Web Resources (External Links)
In addition to the many resources available at Holy Apostles College and Seminary, we have also compiled a listing of external resources that may prove useful to our students and faculty. Click here to be taken to our external resource list.
Guidelines & Policies
Guidelines for Academic and Professional Papers and Theses
The guidelines listed below are approved by the faculty of Holy Apostles College and Seminary for use in all academic papers, M.A. theses, and M.A. special projects. They are based primarily on The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed., and are customized to include sources most common to our theology, philosophy, bioethics, and humanities programs. Additional sources used may be found at the end of the Guidelines.
Citation Format Guidelines
Guidelines for Academic and Professional Papers and M.A. Theses – June 2024
Abridged Guidelines for Academic and Professional Papers and M.A. Theses – June 2024
Summative Evaluation Guidelines
Guidelines for the Professional Paper for M.A. Students in Theology – November 2021
Guidelines for the Summative Evaluation Project Master of Divinity in the New Evangelization – November 2021
Thesis Guidelines for M.A. Students in Philosophy and Theology and all PMC Capstone Paper Students – July 2024
Copyright Guidelines
Library Handbook
About Our Library
Library Mission Statement
The mission of the Holy Apostles College and Seminary Library is to support the academic and formation programs of our college and seminary. The Library is also committed to providing access to information resources that promote lifelong learning.
As a Catholic institution of higher education, we strive to preserve our Catholic heritage through carefully defined resource acquisition and collection development policies. The reference and circulating book collections reflect this mission. These collections contain more than 60,000 print volumes with an emphasis on theology, philosophy, bioethics, and the humanities. We retain unique materials in our established special collections and archives departments, including the Pope Francis Collection, the Pope Benedict XVI Collection, the Pope Saint John Paul II Bioethics Collection, the Archives of the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles, and our archives.
Library Collections
The Library subscribes to over 200 print and electronic newspapers and serial collections, as well as to specialized Catholic and theological databases and eBooks. The Library also benefits from the digital resources available through the researchIT CT database program of the Connecticut Library Network (CLN). This unique state-funded service permits our students and faculty to access electronic resources in a variety of subject areas beyond our core collections.
Housed within the Library is a computer classroom. The Library is committed to providing the technology necessary to support the intellectual and spiritual activities of our students and faculty. Continuous upgrades of our computer classroom facility enable our students to conduct research and produce reports on-site. Our wireless networked environment allows students to utilize their own laptops and portable devices to access our library resources. The Library also provides on-going reference services, as well as information and computer literacy programs, to our on-campus and distance learning communities.
As a resource center for the Magisterial documents of the Catholic faith, the Library also recognizes its value to the surrounding communities and places great care in the cultivation of resource sharing. To support this commitment, Holy Apostles Library participates in several interlibrary lending programs. Through the CLN’s ReQuest system, we share resources with over 300 participating Connecticut Libraries. As members of the American Theological Library Association (ATLA), we also enjoy reciprocal borrowing privileges with member libraries.
In The Spotlight
The Holy Family – December Library Display
Each of us can model ourselves after the Holy Family – trusting in God, following his will, and...
November 22, 1963: Death of the President
Shortly after noon on November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as he rode in...
Saints Peter and Paul – Library Display
ST PETER Peter, who was also known as Simon Peter of Cephas, is considered the first Pope. Despite...