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Growth at Holy Apostles

by | Jul 7, 2020

There is great news indeed – hot off the presses! – from Bob Mish, our Associate Director of Admissions at Holy Apostles:

“I am thrilled to report that compared to our Summer 2019 online learning student and course enrollment totals, the number of students enrolled in our Summer 2020 online courses has gone from 422 to 485, an increase of 15%. More importantly, compared to the Summer 2019, our online learning course enrollment total has gone from 634 to 821, a huge increase of 29%!”

Over the past 10 years, Bob Mish’s carefully documented yearly enrollment summaries provide even more astounding numbers and statistics:

  1. the total number of online students enrolled over the past 10 years has increased from 144 to 485 students, an increase of + 237 %; and
  2.  the number of online course enrollments over the same past 10 years has surged from 202 to 821 online course enrollments, an increase of +306%!

Numbers do not lie, and these great statistics are proof positive that online learning at Holy Apostles is growing by leaps and bounds and meeting the needs and the aspirations of hundreds of online undergraduate and graduate students who are serious about becoming “Leaders for Evangelization.”

These statistics are even more impressive when compared with so many other colleges and universities that are struggling with their own enrollment numbers.
On February 24, 2020, The Chronicle of Higher Education published a feature article titled, “At the Precipice: 6 in 10 Colleges Say They Missed Fall Enrollment Goals.” Their article further stated, “[a]bout two-thirds fell short of net-revenue targets.” Many colleges are hurting and on the verge of closing.

Holy Apostles’ Fall online student enrollment numbers, however, were up by +8%, and our Fall online course enrollment numbers were also up by 17%!

Holy Apostles is dedicated to providing our students with faithful, flexible, and exceptionally affordable online undergraduate and graduate degree programs that are second to none for their fidelity to the Magisterium as well as for their academic excellence. We are proud to be recommended by the Newman Guide.
Spread the Good News! There is still time to apply for the Fall of 2020!

Please contact the Admissions Office today at: [email protected]