Born in East Broughton, Quebec, Canada in 1916, Fr. Menard was ordained a priest in 1941. Several years later, he was instrumental in founding a seminary in Montreal for both young and older men. Initially it was named the Apostolic School of St. Pascal, it them became the Seminary of the Holy Apostles. Fr. Menard went on to help found several seminaries, retreat centers, and healthcare organizations. His efforts led to The Society of the Holy Apostles, The Society of the Sisters of the Holy Apostles, The Society of the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles, and The Father Eusebe Menard Foundation. Fr. Menard had a dream and a charism from the Holy Spirit, which is alive and vibrant since before the Vatican Council II and into this millennium: “to promote, form, and accompany youth and adults in their vocation to the priesthood and to other ministries in the church”.
The last 20 years of Fr. Menard’s life were spent helping the people of Peru. He died in 1987.*
*Toolin-Wilson, Cynthia and Hubbard, Robert. The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary. St Louis, MO: En Route Books and Media, LLC. 2020
Anello, Robert L. Thesis: The Hand of God at Work in Adult Catholic Priestly Formation. Cromwell, CT: Holy Apostles College & Seminary. 2006
Menard, Eusebe-Henri and Christian Rodembourg compiler. 15 Days of Prayer. Hyde Park, NY: New City Press.
Menard, Eusebe-Henri. A Toute Heure A Tout Age. 1967.
Menard, Eusebe-Henri Celibate: “For the Sake of the Kingdom of God”. 1984
Menard, Eusebe-Henri. Les Vocations Tardives. 1955.
Menard, Eusebe-Henri. One Solitary Life. Undated.
Menard, Eusebe-Henri. Peter, Disciple and Pastor. Undated.
Menard, Eusebe-Henri. The Essential Functions of the Priest. Undated.
Menard, Eusebe-Henri. Through Jesus, As Jesus, and in Jesus. Undated.
Menard, Eusebe-Henri. Who are You? The Mystical Body of Christ. Undated.