Undergraduate Registration
Online Students
Summer 2025 Registration Information
The Summer 2025 Semester runs from May 3rd to August 15th, 2025.
Course registration opens Monday, March 17th.
Registrations after April 19th incur a $50 late registration fee.
How to Register
All Undergraduate Students must register through their advisor,
Meet Your Student Success Advisor
Schedule Your Appointment:
Ms. Ryleigh Myers
[email protected]
Registration/Advising Appointment Booking website:
Please refer to your personalized degree plan provided by your advisor.

Course and Syllabi
For materials that you will need to purchase for your course, please see the course syllabus. Please note that it is your responsibility to purchase all materials prior to the start of classes. Please note that in order to view each syllabus on the website, you must be logged into your Holy Apostles email account for access to our Google Drive.
If the Course title is not linked with a syllabus, this indicates the syllabus is undergoing revisions and will be uploaded as soon as it is ready.
Summer 2025 Syllabi & Course Descriptions
APO 512 – Catholic Apologetics (Karlo Broussard)
This course introduces the student to the art of fulfilling the biblical mandate to cogently and convincingly explain and defend Christian truth, focusing on the “what” and “how” of apologetics to present a compelling defense of the Faith.
APO 540 – The New Atheism (Karlo Broussard)
This course focuses on the nature of New Atheism and its attempt to secure political power in its assault against the Faith.
CHH 501 – Historical Knowledge and the Human Good (John Bequette)
This course explores the relationship between historical knowledge and human flourishing, both temporally and eternally. Key questions include: What historical events, figures, and concepts should an adult retain after college? How should a mature Christian view history? What role does historical knowledge play in a flourishing social life, and is there a connection between historical consciousness and eternal salvation?
ENG 131 – Poetry (Kathleen Connor)
This course introduces students to classics in poetry, with a special focus on close reading and interpretive skills of representative authors.
ENG 151 – Drama (Jeanne LaHaie)
This course studies significant works of drama, with particular attention paid to Western dramatists.
ENG 221 – Novels, Short Stories, & Literary Research (Cynthia Gniadek)
This course examines select novels and short stories. Each student will write a paper on a work of literature with guidance through the research and drafting processes.
ENG 550 – Advanced Academic Writing (Cynthia Gniadek)
This course prepares students to write clearly and strongly at the graduate level, guiding them through the stages of designing, drafting, formatting, and revising a research paper. Common writing issues will be addressed.
HIS 101 – Western Civilization I (John Bequette)
This course covers the history of Western civilization from its dawn through the Council of Trent. Students develop an understanding of history as an integrated whole, with special attention to the Catholic Church’s role in shaping Western civilization.
HIS 201 – American History I (John Carter)
This course is informed by Catholic historian Christopher Dawson’s (1889-1970) stress on the centrality of the Incarnation of Christ in the unfolding of human history. From the Catholic point of view, history does not move in a vacuum or purely as a result of human agency. History moves according to God’s purpose.1 This is the overriding principle, which guides this course as we examine the history of the United States.
HIS 352 – Eastern Civilization II (Lucy Underwood)
This course complements Eastern Civilization I, chronologically tracing the history of East and Southeast Asia from ancient times to modernity. Students learn about East Asian cultures, philosophies, and religions, with special attention to Catholicism’s role in the region.
HUM 104 – Humanities in the Early Christian and Medieval World (John Bequette)
This course explores the emergence and spread of Christianity as primary cultural phenomena from the time of Christ until the late Middle Ages, introducing major branches of the humanities such as literature, philosophy, arts, and architecture.
LAT 203 – Latin III: Advanced Latin (Philippe Yates)
This course transitions from learning grammar and basic vocabulary to translating significant texts of ecclesiastical Latin. It builds on LAT 201 and LAT 202.
MTH 300 – Moral Theology (Paul Chutikorn)
This course introduces the foundational concepts of Catholic moral theology, exploring key questions: What is moral theology? What are its underlying precepts? How can these help guide a moral life?
MTH 425 – Theology of the Body (Melissa Steele)
This course covers the biblical foundations of the Theology of the Body as expressed in the works of St. John Paul II, relating them to real-life encounters in love, marriage, and human relationships.
PAS 161 – Foundations in Theology I (Derek Driskill)
This course presents an overview of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Students study the first two parts, “The Profession of Faith” and “The Celebration of the Christian Mystery,” to grasp its presentation of truth in the light of Vatican II.
PAS 162 – Foundations in Theology II (Derek Driskill)
This course continues the study of the Catechism, focusing on parts three and four, “Life in Christ” and “Christian Prayer,” to understand its teachings in the light of Vatican II.
PHE 450 – Ethics (Paul Chutikorn)
This course studies ethical principles from a Thomistic and phenomenological perspective, including criteria for moral decision-making, social justice, abortion, war and peace, and sexual ethics.
PHH 301 – History of Ancient Philosophy (Peter Mango)
This course studies representative thinkers of ancient philosophy, beginning with Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle, and ending with St. Augustine and Boethius.
PHH 304 – History of Medieval Philosophy (Jon Kirwan)
This course introduces medieval philosophy, focusing on major thinkers such as Augustine, Boethius, Anselm, Thomas Aquinas, Bonaventure, Duns Scotus, and William of Ockham. It also examines contemporary relevance in topics such as the nature and existence of God, faith and reason, and the human soul.
PHH 401 – History of Modern Philosophy (John Stefanczyk)
This course examines classical modern philosophers, from Descartes, Spinoza, and Hobbes to the 19th-century idealist Hegel.
PHS 421 – Philosophy of Nature (David Arias)
This course explores fundamental aspects of the natural world as knowable to philosophy and science, discussing the methodology and limits of scientific and philosophical methods.
PHS 450 – Philosophical Anthropology (John Finley)
This course studies human nature from two perspectives: (1) the 20th-century Catholic philosophical tradition, emphasizing lived experience, and (2) the Medieval Catholic tradition, particularly as presented by St. Thomas Aquinas.
PHS 490 – Metaphysics (Jon Kirwan)
Metaphysics is the most general investigation of philosophy, attempting to arrive at reasoned judgments about reality. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Aristotelian and Thomistic metaphysics, covering topics such as the nature of metaphysics, the distinction between being and essence, and the analogy of being.
PHS/SAI 471 – Aesthetics in Sacred Art (Michela Ferri)
This course explores the elements of aesthetics in Sacred Christian Art, comparing them with secular religious art and general artistic traditions. Students study theological, doctrinal, and philosophical foundations of sacred aesthetics through history.
POL 253 – Political Science (Joseph Jordan)
This course surveys key ideas in government and politics, addressing perennial political questions: Who should rule? Is power inherently good? Do truth and right change over time? It also explores various fields of political science.
SAI 214 – History of Christian Iconography (Michela Ferri)
This course examines Christian iconography from its origins, tracing its historical development and exploring styles, themes, materials, and processes used by iconographers. Special emphasis is given to reading iconographical symbolism in relation to Scripture and liturgy.
SAI 427 – Hagiography from Sacred Art to Liturgy (Michela Ferri)
This course explores the lives of saints through their depiction in sacred art, analyzing iconographic hagiography in its liturgical and scriptural contexts. Students learn to interpret hagiographic imagery within sacred space and time.
SAS 451 – Synoptic Gospels (Benedict Hince)
This course explores the stylistic and literary characteristics of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, examining their theological, spiritual, and historical background.
SAS 561 – Gospel of John (Fr. William Mills)
This course studies the Gospel of John in light of its historical, religious, and cultural background, exploring themes such as covenant, Kingdom of God, grace, redemption, prophecy, and the Trinity.
SAS 571 – Letters of St. Paul (Fr. William Mills)
SCM 101 – Mathematics Among the Liberal Arts (Stacy Trasancos)
This course introduces students to key mathematical concepts through game theory, probability, statistics, algebra, and geometry, fostering critical thinking skills through interactive learning.
SCM 220 – Chemistry (Stacy Trasancos)
This course introduces the fundamentals of chemistry, focusing on chemical change, equations, and the quantitative understanding of matter.
SCM 221 – Chemistry Lab (Stacy Trasancos)
This is a one-credit lab course accompanying SCM 220 Chemistry.
SCM 301 – Anatomy and Physiology I (Denise Hunnell)
This course takes a systemic approach to human anatomy, covering anatomical terminology, cellular processes, and the integumentary, skeletal, and muscular systems.
Please refer to our helpful Annual Listing so you can plan out when your courses will be offered each semester. This listing is updated regularly so please be sure to review it periodically.
Tuition, Payment & Financial Aid:
Payment is due upon registration. Remember, your invoice will be released 48 hours after self-enrolling. You must pay for your courses using a major debit/credit card or an e-check within the Populi system or by mailing a check to us with your registration form. As always, you can avoid our late registration fee if you register before April 19th .
For information regarding tuition, fees, refund policy, and financial aid, please visit Tuition & Financial Aid
Refunds for the Summer Semester will be calculated as follows:
- Through first week of the semester - 100% Refund
- Second week of the semester - 75% Refund
- Third week of the semester - 50% Refund
- No refunds are offered beyond the third week of the semester