“For just as the body is one and has many members, so it is with Christ…. Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers; then deeds of power, then gifts of healing, forms of assistance, forms of leadership, various kinds of tongues.” 1 Corinthians 12:12, 27-28.
Fr. Eusebe Menard, OFM, founder of the Society of the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles and founder of the seminary that bears its name, gave equal status to Mr. Hector Durand as the “co-founder” of the Society. Why was that? Mr. Durand was a faithful Catholic who happened to be a successful Contractor in Montreal Canada — and he contributed half his fortune to the building of seminaries. Together Fr. Menard and Mr. Durand modeled the crucial MSA charism of “partnership” between laity and the ministerial priesthood. In testimony of this, on the back of the official MSA chasuble, two hands are featured. The first is the priest’s hand that holds the earth’s globe. The second is the layman’s hand which supports the priest’s hand in ministry. In practical terms, the parts of the body of Christ work together to accomplish the mission of evangelizing and ministering to the world, together. Without Mr. Durand, Fr. Menard could not have done what he did. And thus, the Holy Spirit connected them together in order to do an extraordinary thing.
“St. Michael’s Retreat House,” in Oxnard, CA is an apostolate that I am privileged to serve, and which depends upon the MSA charism of clergy laity partnership. The various retreats and days of reflection offered at St. Michael’s would not be possible except for the generous time and financial assistance of a group called the “Men of Faith.” On every other Tuesday evening about 12-15 men offer prayers, a potluck, and a program. The men of faith have enthusiastically embraced St. Michael’s House as their “apostolate of service,” and they fund a parttime secretary to help their “tech-challenged” Director (yours truly) to administer the place.
Word of this reached the ears of Bishop Slawomir Szkredka, auxiliary for the Santa Barbara Pastoral Region who took the place of Bishop Robert Barron, who got St. Michael’s House off the ground and gave it its name.

The “A Team” (Appreciation!) — from left to right — Juan Flores, David Sanchez, Charles Teachout, Michelle Kimble (Tuesday retreats), Lalo Miranda, Bishop Slawomir Szkredka, John Kimble, Vivian Cahill (retreat breakfasts) Kevin Williams, Fr. Skip Thompson, Joe Domitrovich. Missing in action for some good reason: Andy Stay, Torch Rivera, George Baldonado.
Bishop Slawomir came to our humble house to appreciate the Men of Faith at a dinner and presented each, including 2 “women of faith,” who regularly pull in the harness with House Director, Fr. Skip. The bishop signed a dozen certifications and presented them to each person.
It was a rare and very well-received moment for the bishop to take the time and recognize our special laypersons. Our contract to minister St. Michael’s house continues with his support and that of Provincial Animator (and HACS Chancellor) Martin Rooney and Santa Clara Church Pastor John Love. The MSA charism of clergy-lay partnership has brought us far — and the partnership will keep us growing as we minister on crucial issues affecting the faithful.
As we write this article, we are in the 34th week of Ordinary Time. But as I have said on numerous occasions, nothing is ordinary about the times the Church finds herself in now. We are no longer an “age of change,” (though things are changing rapidly). Rather we are in a “changing of the ages,” which requires the Church to reset her compass to follow a missionary course — and find a “few good men” to lead the Church and take her on the “offensive” once again.