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Syllabus Policies


Holy Apostles College & Seminary is committed to the goal of ensuring that all qualified students with disabilities have the opportunity to participate in our education programs and services on an equal basis.

Students enrolled in online courses who have documented disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Ms. Ryleigh Myers, Student Accessibility Coordinator, at [email protected] or 860-632-3066.

The Student Accessibility Services Handbook can be found on the Student Resources page of the Holy Apostles website.

In all cases, reasonable accommodations will be made to ensure that all students with disabilities have appropriate accommodations to ensure equal accessibility.


Students at Holy Apostles College & Seminary are expected to practice academic honesty.

Avoiding Plagiarism

In its broadest sense, plagiarism is using someone else’s work or ideas, presented or claimed as your own. At this stage in your academic career, you should be fully conscious of what it means to plagiarize. This is an inherently unethical activity because it entails the uncredited use of someone else’s expression of ideas for another’s personal advancement; that is, it entails the use of a person merely as a means to another person’s ends. Plagiarism includes: 1. Directly quoting without acknowledging the source. 2. Changing a few words of a text without indicating this was done and/or not acknowledging the source. 3. Not acknowledging that the structure of ideas or logic is from another author. 4. Not acknowledging a unique image (including analogies, similes, metaphors etc.) is from a particular document or author.

Students, where applicable:

  • Should identify the title, author, page number/webpage address, and publication date of works when directly quoting small portions of texts, articles, interviews, or websites.
  • Students should not copy more than two paragraphs from any source as a major component of papers or projects.
  • Should appropriately identify the source of information when paraphrasing (restating) ideas from texts, interviews, articles, or websites.
  • Should follow the Guidelines for Academic and Professional Papers and M.A.
    Theses (available on the library’s website at www.holyapostles.edu/library/

Consequences of Academic Dishonesty:

Because of the nature of this class, academic dishonesty is taken very seriously. Students caught plagiarizing will receive a zero for the assignment, and may be withdrawn from the class and/or expelled from Holy Apostles.


Even though you are not required to be logged in at any precise time or day, you are expected to login several times during each week. Because this class is being taught entirely in a technology-mediated forum, it is important to actively participate each week in the course. In a traditional classroom setting for a 3-credit course, students would be required, per the federal standards, to be in class three 50-minute sessions (or 2.5 hours a week) and prepare for class discussions six 50-minute sessions (or 5 hours) a week. Expect to devote at least nine 50-minute sessions (or 7.5 quality hours) a week to this course. A failure on the student’s part to actively participate in the life of the course may result in a reduction of the final grade.



Students who have completed little or no coursework are ineligible for an “Incomplete” in a course. An instructor may grant an incomplete to a student who:

  • has satisfactorily completed major components of the course; and
  • has the ability to finish the remaining work without re-enrolling; and
  • has encountered extenuating circumstances, such as illness or family emergencies, that prevent him or her from finishing coursework prior to the last day of the semester.

An “I” for “Incomplete” is a temporary grade assigned at the discretion of the instructor.


A student seeking an Incomplete should obtain the Incomplete form from the shared folder of the files tab in Populi or from the Associate Registrar’s office. The student will fill out the parts of the form pertaining to the student and submit the form to the instructor before the end of the semester. If the instructor approves the Incomplete, the instructor fills out the section of the Incomplete form indicating what the student must do to finish the course and signs the form.

The instructor of an online class sends the approved form to the Director of Online Learning for online learning; the instructor of an on-campus class sends the form to the Associate Registrar for on- campus learning. The instructor also sends a copy of the completed Incomplete form to the student.
Students receiving an Incomplete (I) must submit the missing course work by the end of the fourth week following the semester in which they were enrolled. An incomplete grade administratively turns into the grade of “F” for “Fail” if the course work is not completed by the end of the fourth week.

Other Results for Insufficiently Completing a Course

W” for “Withdrawal” will appear on the student’s permanent record for any
course dropped after the end of the first week of a semester to the end of
the fifth week.

Absent the granting of an “I” for Incomplete, “WF” for “Withdrawal/Fail”
will appear on the student’s permanent record for any course dropped after
the end of the fifth week of a semester and on or before the Friday of the
11th week of the semester. No withdrawals are permitted after the 11th week
of a semester.

A student who does not complete sufficient coursework to pass a course and
does not request a W or a WF will receive an F as the final course grade.

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