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Dr. Philippe Yates

Dr. Philippe Yates

Dr. Philippe Yates gained a Master’s degree in Engineering at Cambridge University, England. He then studied philosophy and theology at the Franciscan Study Centre and the University of Kent in Canterbury England and obtained a First Class Honors Bachelor’s degree in Theology and the History of Science at the University of Kent.

He went on to study Canon Law at St. Paul University in Ottawa, Canada where he was awarded a JCL and gained his doctorate summa cum laude in Canon Law at the Pontifical University Antonianum in Rome. He has taught at the Franciscan International Study Centre and Christ Church University in Canterbury, England, Christ the King Seminary in Buffalo NY, and here at Holy Apostles College and Seminary.

As well as teaching, he was President of the Franciscan International Study Centre and advocate at the Southwark Metropolitan Tribunal in England. He is currently an Advocate at the Buffalo Diocesan Tribunal and engages in freelance canon law consultations, specializing in the law of consecrated life and of rights in the church. He edited the journal Canterbury Studies in Franciscan History as well as several books published by the Franciscan International Study Centre.

Representative Publications


“The Theory of Ultramontane Observant Poverty from Barcelona to Segovia (1451-1621)”. 57-72 in Identités franciscaines à l’âge des réformes. Edited by F. Meyer and L. Viallet. Editors. Clermont-Ferrand: Presses Universitaires Blaise-Pascal, 2004.

“The Primacy of Christ in John Duns Scotus: An Assessment”. In Faith 39:7 (Jan-Feb 2008) 22-28.

“Reflections on the Franciscan First Order Rule”. 5-15 in Franciscan Reflections on the Rules. Modern Approaches to the Franciscan Rules of the First, Second and Third Order Regular and the Secular Franciscans. Canterbury: Franciscan International Study Centre, 2007.

Several chapters in: A Pilgrimage Through the Franciscan Intellectual Tradition. Edited by A. Cirino and J. Raischl. Canterbury: Franciscan International Study Centre, 2008.


Recollect Franciscan Poverty 1600-1890. (Pensiero Francescano 3). Grottaferrata: Frati Editori di Quaracchi, 2005.

English Translation of: Jacques Dalarun, The Canticle of Brother Sun: St. Francis of Assisi Reconciled, Franciscan Institute Publications, 2016.

He currently lives in Western New York with his wife Carol and dog Pica.