Dr. John P. Bequette serves as Adjunct Professor, Chair of the Online Undergraduate Faculty Committee and Concentration Chair in Church History at Holy Apostles’ College and Seminary and is Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy and Theology at the University of Saint Francis in Fort Wayne, IN. He holds a doctorate in historical theology from Saint Louis University. He resides in Fort Wayne with his wife Nancy and their six children.
- Ph.D., Historical Theology, Saint Louis University (2001). Concentration in Medieval Theology. Dissertation: Constructing an Image of St. Francis: Rhetoric in Thomas of Celano’s Vita Prima Sancti Francisci.
- M.A., Historical Theology, Saint Louis University (1996). Concentration in the Protestant Reformation.
- B.A., History, University of Missouri-Saint Louis (1992)
Representative Publications
- Editor of A Companion to Medieval Christian Humanism. Brill Academic, forthcoming.
- Rhetoric in the Monastic Tradition: A Textual Study. Peter Lang, 2012.
- “The Eloquence of Communio: Rhetoric in Gregory of Tours’ Life of the Fathers.” American Benedictine Review, forthcoming.
- “Theological Identity and Narrative Imagination: Narrative Theology in Newman’s Apologia and Loss and Gain.” Downside Review 131:464 (2013).
- “Monasticism, Evangelization, and Eloquence: Rhetoric in Bede’s Life of Cuthbert.” Cistercian Studies Quarterly 48:3 (2013).
- “Cassiodorus’s De Anima: A Contribution to a New Christian Humanism?” Josephinum Journal of Theology 19:2 (2012).
- “Sulpicius Severus’ Life of Saint Martin: The Saint and His Biographer as Agents of Cultural Transformation.” Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 13:2 (2010).
Representative Presentations
- “Bede as a Christian Humanist: The Six Ages of History and the Human Person as Microcosm in Bede’s Homilies.” 49th International Congress of Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, 2014.
- “Christians, Jews, and Nostra Aetate.” Public Lecture Series, Department of Philosophy and Theology, University of Saint Francis, February 2013.
- “Christian Humanism and the Transformation of Desire in the Rule of Saint Benedict.” 46th International Congress of Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, 2011.
- “Christian Friendship.” Public Lecture Series, Department of Philosophy and Theology, University of Saint Francis, November 2011.
- “Saints and Sages: Holiness in Christianity and Judaism.” Public Lecture Series, Department of Philosophy and Theology, University of Saint Francis, January 2011.
- “The Holocaust in Theological Perspective.” Holocaust Symposium, sponsored by the Department of Philosophy and Theology, University of Saint Francis, April 2010.
- “Christians, Jews, and the Holocaust: Coming to Terms with a Troubling Past.” Public Lecture Series, Department of Philosophy and Theology, University of Saint Francis, December 2009.
- “Christian Humanism in the Lives of the Saints.” Public Lecture Series, Department of Philosophy and Theology, University of Saint Francis, November 2008.