External Resources
In addition to the many resources available at Holy Apostles College and Seminary, we have also compiled a listing of external resources that may prove useful to our students and faculty.
Catholic News Services
- Vatican News Services
- EWTN Headlines
- Vatican Post Web Site
- Catholic News Service
- L’Osservatore Romano
Diocesan Pages
- Diocese of Bridgeport, CT
- Archdiocese of Hartord, CT
- Diocese of Norwich, CT
- Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Stamford, CT
- Dioceses Outside of Connecticut
General Catholic Resources
Below is a list of external links grouped by topic to aid students in locating further information in specfic subject areas. Topics are listed alphabetically.
Art & Archetecture
- Biblical Art Index (The Text This Week)
- The Christian Catacombs of Rome (Istituto Salesiano San Callisto)
- State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg Russia
- Artcyclopedia-Fine Arts Search Engine
Augustinian Studies
- Biography of Saint Augustine (New Advent)
- Works of Saint Augustine (CCEL)
- Works of Saint Augustine (Internet Sacred Text Archive)
- National Catholic Bioethics Center
- Human Genome Research Institute
- Pope John Paul II Bioethics Center
Canon Law
Church Documents I. Bishop’s Documents
Church Documents II. Ecumenical Council Documents
Church Documents III. Papal Documents
- Internet History Sourcebooks Project (Fordham University)
- Perseus Project Digital Library (Tufts University)
Languages-Latin / Greek
Law – Intellectual Property
- General Instruction of the Roman Missal (USCCB)
- The Catholic Liturgical Library
- Daily Mass Readings (USCCB)
- Liturgy of the Hours (Universalis)
- EWTN Document Library
- The Fathers of the Church (New Advent)
- Christian Classics Ethereal Library
- Guide to Early Church Documents (Internat Christian Library)
- Early Christian Writings (Peter Kirby, ECW)
- Writings of the Apostolic Fathers (The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America)
Prayers and Devotions
- Catholic Prayers (Catholic Online)
- Catholic Pages Directory – Prayers
- A Treasure of 3,000+ Catholic Prayers (Catholic Doors Ministry)
Thomistic Studies