White Holy Apostles Logo with crest
Mission & Values


Holy Apostles College and Seminary (HACS) is inspired and guided by the missionary charism of its sponsor, the Society of the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles (MSA), as well as by the founder and co-founder of the MSA, Fr. Eusebe Menard O.F.M. and Mr. Hector Durand.


The Apostles, their central focus on Jesus Christ, and their evangelical outlook inform and shape the vision of HACS: “Cultivating Catholic Leaders for the Purpose of Evangelization”.


Holy Apostles College and Seminary forms and educates its students—laity, seminarians, clergy, and religious—as missionary disciples, servant leaders, and “co-workers in the vineyard.”[1]


The fundamental values underpinning educational formation at Holy Apostles are:

  • Christocentric teaching
  • Catholic Orthodoxy by fidelity to the Magisterium
  • Educational rigor and challenge
  • Respect for the inherent dignity of all persons
  • Holistic formation of students corresponding to the head, heart, and hands in
    1. Truth
    2. Love
    3. Goodness
    4. Beauty